Sunday, August 7, 2011

Seabeck Day 1

Day 1: Today was mostly traveling. We picked up keldog at 10:30 and we got to LAX at about 11. We were all worried that we would miss our flight but security was a breeze and we had 30 minutes to spare. My mom went off to go get coffee while keldog and lucy went off to buy water and gum. Apparently lucy asked keldog if she could get a toy and keldog ended up getting us all toys. My mom obviously didnt approve of that. After we boarded the flight we all got settled and started watching tv. When the plane landed, my mom rushed us to the baggage claim and the rental car counter where we all got bored so keldog gave us candy. About half way from the airport to seabeck lucy started asking us how much longer every five minutes. Lets just say i was so relieved to hear that finally stop. When we got here we all said hi to our relatives and got our name tags. We put our stuff in our room and hung out until dinner. After dinner, we went to the orientation at the meeting house and the individual house meetings. Then we had ice cream bars and hung out until we came back to our room where i am writing this now.

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