Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Seabeck Day 3

Day 3: First of all, i am actually typing this on day 4 because i got home really late last night but ill talk about that later. I woke up around 7 am and i went to cafe Lawrence. Then i hung out with joe at the inn until it was time to go to breakfast. Breakfast was two of my favorite things, sausages and pancakes. After breakfast i hung out with my friends and talked until it was time for the morning program. My group went to this place called Wildcat lake about 7 miles down the road. The drive was about 4 times longer than it should have been because we took a bunch of wrong turns. All of us mags hung out and went in the water until lunch. We had sandwiches and apple juice at the lake before starting a giant canadians vs. Americans volleyball game. After that we went the right way back to camp and hung out. I didnt do much during the afternoon except boating and chillin in the inn. I got to social hour early to get to the snacks but apparently everybody had the same idea as me so i had to beg for oreos. After social hour my family headed down to seabeck pizza to have some dinner. After dinner we all played foursquare and roamed around the campus. We attempted to start a game of war in the woods but everybody was arguing so it was called off. We then hung out and played some weird version of volleyball. Then i headed to moonstruck for the first time. There was no space for me and ricky to sit so we headed to the a frame to hang out with some of our friends. We ended up getting into a long conversation and we started painting on the big canvas in the mag lounge. After that we had to clean off brushes and by then it was about a quarter to 11 and my mom was super pissed at me when i got home.

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