Monday, August 8, 2011

Seabeck Day 2

Day 2: Today was probably the best day i've ever had at seabeck! All of us woke up super early and went to cafe lawrence to get hot cocoa. I hung out around the inn for a while until breakfast. We had sausage patties and potato squares for breakfast. After breakfast i hung out with joe, alex, ricky, and some of my other friends as we played four square. Eventually it was time for the morning singing and my first day as a mag! We all played a game dealing with cool facts about each other and planned something im not authorized to tell anyone about until after it happens. We also talked about going to scenic beach tomorrow. After the mag program we played more four square before having lunch. After lunch i roamed around camp before settling down with my tablet in the inn and emailing people. Once it cleared up and got warmer, i took my swim test and boat test and completed them in under 30 minutes! Then i chilled some more and hung out until social hour. I overindulged at social hour and lets just say i made a disappearance for about half an hour. Dinner was so so but it got fun right after. I hung out with issi and alex and ricky on the playground and wrote the script for the skit ricky, spencer, marcus, and i are doing for the talent show. Then i roamed around until about 8:45 when i started watching some funny videos with gabe, joseph, and ricky. Then i played some game that was similar to volleyball with joe and sean and other people before heading back to my room.

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