Thursday, April 7, 2011

I've Been Having some Bad Luck with Flights Lately....

So I’ve been having the worst luck with flights lately! So on Saturday, I flew to Salt Lake City to go skiing in Deer Valley. When we were maybe 50 or 100 feet off the ground at Salt Lake City International, the plane tilted sharply upwards and continued flying instead of landing. I was reading this site called at LAX earlier, and I noticed something about aborted landings, so I kinda knew what was going on. Anyways, the plane kept on flying and turning in the turbulent skies of Utah until about 15 minutes later, we finally landed at SLC. I have a really sensitive stomach (I got super altitude sick after skiing), so I felt miserable that whole time. Now we fast forward to Wednesday afternoon. After catching a movie and some froyo at TCBY, We went to the airport. As we were checking our bags, I noticed our flight was delayed 25 minutes. No big deal, right? So I shrugged it off and moved on. I casually sat and waited around the terminal, amusing myself by texting and watching funny youtube videos. When it came time to board the flight, I packed up and got on like the rest of the crowd on our flight. About 20 or so minutes after takeoff, I noticed the plane was turning sharply towards the Salt Lake City Airport. I was confused until a voice from the cockpit came on the loudspeaker. We were informed that they were turning around and heading back to SLC, and that they would talk to us later on the ground. I was a bit puzzled at the fact that they were just turning around all of a sudden. Whatever it was though, I was glad. I wanted to stay in Utah longer rather than my over-polluted home of SoCal. So we landed in SLC again, and the pilot explained what happened. He didn’t reveal too much, only saying that another flight would come in an hour to take us to LA. When we deplaned, I asked the flight attendant what happened. She replied to me saying that the windshield cracked. I then looked at the cockpit window which had a huge crack on the left side. It apparently happened in mid flight, so They were forced to turn around early. We then amused ourselves for an hour in the terminal until our next flight came. I’m actually on the flight now somewhere above the Mojave desert and it’s like 9:15 or so, so I gotta go. Plus I have to turn off my laptop kuz the pilot said so, so BYE!

Note: This was not posted on the plane, due to the fact that Southwest Airlines doesn’t have inflight internet, and anyways I flat out refuse to pay 10 bucks for an hour and a half of the web

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