Friday, April 8, 2011

My Favorite Musical Artists at the moment

So I ususally have a list of three or so musical artists that I see have a great potential, and now I'm gonna spread it to the webiverse. So first up, we have Jessie J. In case you haven't heard her, she's a 22 year ord brit with a big voice. Her single Price Tag debuted here a while ago, but her album is yet to be released here. Second up is ADELE. She has actually been in the music industry for a few years now, but hasn't been in the spotlight since 2009, but her new album came out a couple months ago, and she's made a comeback. Now I don't have a third artist because nearly everyone who sings these days uses some amount of autotune, so I don't count them. So yeah, that's it for this week!

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